Why I Homeschool
I love to teach
There are many reasons why I choose to homeschool. First and foremost, I love to teach. Sharing knowledge and witnessing my kids’ growth and understanding is incredibly fulfilling. My children are different, so I get to tailor the curriculum to meet their specific needs and interests. Picking out a curriculum is fun for me and there are so many options available.
I never thought I would love to teach. Growing up I struggled in school so I could never imagine teaching my kids. Several years back I took a spiritual gift assessment test teaching was in my top three gifts. Before the pandemic, I did some substitute teaching at a local charter school. I also taught Chinese students English online. I realized I loved teaching one-on-one. However, the classroom setting with thirty kindergarten children was not for me.

I love my kids
This may come as no surprise, but I love my kids and enjoy spending time with them. Homeschooling allows us to spend quality time together and foster deep connections. We only get 18 years with our kids. My oldest is fifteen and I know how fast the time goes by. I want to cherish as much of that time as I can.
I love the flexibility
Homeschooling also offers flexibility in our daily schedule. We can adapt our learning environment to fit our lifestyle, allowing for field trips, hands-on experiences, and the freedom to explore topics in depth. This approach not only enhances their education but also instills a love for lifelong learning. We can go on vacation any time and even bring school with us. The best part is homeschooling only takes a few hours a day. Unlike public school where children are gone all day, you can homeschool in 2-3 hours. At home, your kids are getting one-on-one attention so a lot can get done quickly. When I substitute taught grades (kindergarten- fifth) I noticed how much of the day was spent managing the classroom instead of learning.

I love Co-ops
Co-ops also known as cooperative education groups, are a fantastic opportunity to have your kids learn alongside others in a more structured environment. Your kids can get the social skills people often worry about with homeschooled children. Parents often share resources and teaching responsibilities. With the rise in homeschooling there are many co-ops now days, so it is easier to find them. There are many different kinds of co-ops that fit different family values, from Christian to secular.
My oldest went to a Christian coop multiple days a week because his math and computer skills exceeded mine. He is now fifteen and doing full time college through PSEO. My two daughters are in a Charolotte Mason nature school that meets once a week. This is a great fit for my girls who love art, science, and nature.

I don’t love public school
I went to public school growing up. I don’t think public school is all bad. I also believe it can be the best choice some people have. Most of my issues with public school are about parenting and self-governing. Parents are the ones that should be responsible for teaching their children important life lessons. They should be the ones to teach about sexuality, politics if they choose, social norms, religion, etc… The government is not who you want to parent your kids. That will never work out in the end.
Ultimately, homeschooling is an enriching and fulfilling choice for our family, allowing us to create a personalized educational journey that suits our values and aspirations.