My Family’s Natural Medicine Cabinet
Where to Shop

- Amazon: carries just about every item under the sun. When in doubt, check here!
- Paleovalley: a great Supplements and health foods.
- Azure: is a bulk foods store that delivers to various areas across the USA and Canada once per month! Not only does Azure offer high-quality, farm-fresh meats and produce, but they also sell many dry goods and natural remedies!
- Thrive Market: great discounts for supplements and healthy foods.
- Edens Garden: essential oils, my favorite brand with quality testing.
- Earthly: sells all kinds of hand-crafted herbal remedies and nutritional support supplements.
- Farmhouse Teas: a great family business for high-quality teas
- Trim Healthy Mama: supplements, protein powders, quality baobab
- Your Local Health Store: This could be a locally owned venue (which is often the best!) or even Whole Foods (which, by the way, has free delivery to Amazon Prime members!).
Here’s a list of tools I keep around. These are handy in various situations, from splinters to headaches to fevers.
- Several Thermometers
- Stethoscope
- Otoscope
- Tweezers
- Bulb syringe
- Neti Pot for clearing out nasal passages
- Ice packs, heating pads, hot/cold aromatherapy bags
- Plastic Syringes
- Pulse Oximeter
- Carrier oils for essential oils
- Diffusor and humidifier
Ears and Teeth

- Garlic oil drops: Herb Pharm Mullein Garlic Pure Ear Oil
- Trilight Health EarAche Wellness Relief Kit: This is a great kit to keep on hand if you have little ones prone to earaches and infections.
- Get Outta Ear: loose-leaf tea: Farmhouse Teas
- Teeth Tamer: Earthly
Stomach and Digestive Upset
Upset tummies can be a big deal for anyone, particularly for little ones. That’s why we have some effective remedies on hand for things like nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, and achy bellies.

- Young Living DiGize or Eden Gardens Tummy Aid: Rub on your tummy for aches or if you have a big meal and feel bloated or uncomfortable.
- Peppermint, chamomile, ginger tea: Great for gas and upset stomach
- Ma’s Tummy Organic Tea: Farmhouse Teas
- Ginger chews: Tummy ache and pregnancy
- Maty’s Acid Indigestion Relief
- Slippery elm root powder: For IBS it also can help to coat the throat for sore throats.
- Activated Charcoal: This is great to have in the medicine cabinet. I have them in capsules. Charcoal binds to poisons, heavy metals, and other toxins and flushes them out of the body. You can also give it to kids in applesauce when they’ve had a stomach bug. Be warned vomit will be black.
- Peppermint Essential Oil: Diluted with coconut oil and rubber on the abdomen
- Ginger Tea: Ginger is great for calming nausea.
- Bentonite Clay: This is great for dissolving in water. It absorbs any toxins causing the discomfort.
- Tummy Aid Essential Oil Blend: Edens Garden Ok for kids
- Apple Cider Vinegar Complex: Heartburn and acid reflux
Sore Throat

- Cool Mist Humidifier: Not technically medicine, but we use these in our bedrooms to help with clear breathing.
- Essential Oil Diffuser: This is different than a humidifier. It helps to diffuse respiratory-building oils into the air.
- Throat Coat Tea
- Manuka or raw honey mixed with Ceylon cinnamon: Manuka is the name of the flower of a shrub that only grows in New Zealand. Manuka honey has antibacterial and probiotic properties that help strengthen digestion and the immune system. It is rich in vitamins.
- Lemon water
- Fire Cider: I’ve made mine from apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, fresh ginger, honey, garlic, and cayenne pepper. It’s like taking a shot of really strong medicine! Farmhouse Teas has a DIY kit you can buy. They add a few more things to their Fire Cider. You can take this every day to give you a kick in the pants and support the immune system.
I’m a big fan of sleep… my sleep and my kid’s sleep. That means, if there’s ever any trouble sleeping, there are remedies in our natural medicine cabinet to soothe the mind and body and help them relax into a blissful state of sleep.

- Red Light Therapy: Red light provides a ton of health benefits, including better sleep and restful recovery. The sun gives off red light when it sets.
- Melatonin Tablets: Not something that I suggest using regularly, but I will take it occasionally if my sleep cycle has gotten out of whack. I will also sometimes give it to my children if they are sick and really in need of extra sleep. We buy ones that dissolve under the tongue.
- Lavender Essential Oil: Rub on the bottom of your feet for a good night’s sleep!
- Cal/Mag: This is a relaxing drink great for before bed. I began drinking it during pregnancy. It can also help with leg cramps during pregnancy.
- Primal Magnesium: This is a blend of magnesium glycinate, citrate, and malate with zinc to support muscle relaxation, bone health, and overall wellness. This helps to get a good night’s sleep.
- Herbal bedtime tea blend
- Chamomile tincture
- Sleepy Head Essential Oil: Edens Garden Ok for Kids

- Peppermint Essential Oil: I love to rub this on my temples.
- Calcium/Magnesium tablets: These are great for headaches.
- LMNT: Sometimes when I have a headache it’s because I’m dehydrated. I will drink these zero-sugar electrolyte drink mixes. I love them and they make me feel great plus they taste yummy.
- Head-A-Sore-US Essential Oil Blend: Edens Garden OK for kids
- Nagging Noggin Herbal Tea: Farmhouse Teas

- Clary Sage Essential Oil
- Heart and Soil Her Package: Grass-fed & finished ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes, liver, and kidney. Historical use to improve cramping, PMS-related symptoms, and infertility
- Heating pad for cramps
- B Vitamins: I take them daily to ensure my B vitamins aren’t too low. B vitamins help with energy levels.
- Epsom Salt Bath: I love baths!! Epsom salt baths are great for reducing stress and pain.
I’m grateful that no one in my family has major issues with seasonal allergies. I keep the following on hand just in case we ever need them.

- Chamomile tea bags: for itchy eyes
- Neti pot/facial stream herb blend
- Bee Pollen
- Neezy Fits Tincture Mix: Farmhouse Teas
- Sneez-Ali-Tea Herbal Tea Blend: Farmhouse Tea
- Saline Solution
- Raw Local Honey
- Pollen Buster Essential Oil Blend: Edens Garden OK for kids
- Traditional Medicinal Smooth Move Tea
- Psyllium Husk: Trim Healthy Mama
Congestion is one of the most common symptoms babies come down with when they have colds, and it’s just as common for older kids and adults.

- Sniffle and Sneezes: Edens Garden OK for kids
- Deep Blue Rub essential oil blend or cream: or a blend of spearmint essential oil and peppermint oil.
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil: I will dilute this with coconut oil and rub it on our chests or dab it on our pajamas so we can sniff it throughout the night. I will also use it in baths, mixed with bath salts, or used in our essential oil diffuser. Eucalyptus is not for kids.
- Maty’s Baby Chest Rub: An alternative that is safe for kids
- Shower steam tabs
- Menthol vapor pads
Coughs, unfortunately, are frequent visitors to our home during the colder months when more viruses are going around. Here you’ll find some of our favorite herbal and homeopathic cough remedies that we use.

- Maty’s Organic Cough Syrup: Ok for kids’ day and night options.
- Cough-B-Gone Tincture: Earthly has one for kids and one for adults.
- Herbal cough drops
- Manuka Honey: Has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Pair it with lemon for a classic combination that can help soothe sore throats and relieve coughing. Make a warm drink by mixing hot water, manuka honey, and lemon juice.
Itchy Skin, Burns, and Bruises
Skin rashes tend to show up in my home more often in the summer months seeing how my kids play outdoors quite a bit more. Thankfully, some of the remedies below are a lifesaver for itchy rashes, but they’re also really helpful for bug bites, itchy sunburns, or rashes from common childhood illnesses.

- Herbal Calendula Salve: I make my own but you can buy on Amazon.
- Arnica Cream or salve
- Lavender Essential oil: Also great on scrapes, cuts, and burns.
- Earth Mama Organic Eczema Cream
- Colloidal Oatmeal
- Burts Bees Poison Ivy Soap
- Redmond Clay Hydrated Clay
- Aloe Vera Gel (refrigerated is best)
Pain and Fever
Pain and fevers are something that everyone will experience. Below are the remedies I keep on hand to approach these situations as naturally as possible.

- White Willow Bark: For body aches and pains, many people find relief with white willow bark. White willow bark contains salicin, a glycoside used in the synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Buy this on Amazon.
- Dye-free Ibuprofen liquid and pills.
- Temperature Tamer Tea: Farmhouse Tea
- Magnesium spray or lotion: Great for muscle pain and leg cramps.
- Boiron Oscilloccinum: If I’m feeling achy and Heaven forbid, flu-like.
Yeast/Bacterial Infections
Infections. Yuck. They’re not something that many of us want to mess with so I keep my natural medicine cabinet stocked with natural remedies to help keep them at bay, so I don’t have to deal with them.

- Baby Balm by Primally Pure: Works great as a Neosporin alternative.
- Manuka Honey
- Calendula: (used as a poultice – steeped flowers packed in a cheesecloth or piece of muslin – encourages quick healing, provides pain relief, slow bleeding, and reduces inflammation).
- NutraBlast Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories: For vaginal yeast infections.
- Cranberry Juice: It has to be 100% cranberry juice which is very tart!! For bladder infections.
- D-Mannose: A very effective and safe treatment for UTIs, especially during pregnancy. I have given this to my girls and it works great.
- Frankincense Essential Oil: I recently used this to remove an ingrown hair bump. It’s also great for just about any area that needs healing.
- Activated Charcoal: You can make poultices for drawing out toxins like in a skin infection or a bug bite.

- Focus, Focus, Focus Essential Oil Blend: Edens Garden OK for kids
- Adults Adrenal and Focus Liquid Drops: MaryRuth’s buy on Thrive Market
- Kids Focus and Attentions Drops: MaryRuth’s buy on Thrive Market
- Lion’s Mane Mushroom Superfood Powder: Thrive Market
- Dr. Formulated Brain Health Attention and Focus for Kids